Remembering Those Poker Players and Personalities Who Passed Away in 2023

Trending 7 months ago
Poker 2023 successful memorium

The New Year is not only an opportunity for poker players to look ahead, possibly mounting caller resolutions and goals, but besides a chance to look backmost astatine nan twelvemonth gone by. In 2023, that entails remembering those players who passed on.

Here’s a look astatine immoderate of those we mislaid complete nan past year.

Las Vegas Poker Player & ARIA Regular Hank nan Passes Away

Hank YangHank Yang

Hank Yang, a Las Vegas poker subordinate who frequented nan Aria poker room, passed distant successful January.

The news was announced connected Twitter by Jesse Segall, who referred to nan precocious poker subordinate arsenic "the astir generous/friendly subordinate around." That is nan estimation Yang, primitively from Virginia, built up complete nan years playing mostly rate crippled poker and Togel Online too. His origin of decease isn't publically known astatine this time.

Yang was a regular successful nan rate games astatine Aria for years and built up a estimation arsenic 1 of nan classiest players successful nan room. He wasn't overmuch for tournaments but did grounds $178,492 successful profession tourney cashes, according to nan Hendon Mob.

EPT Prague Champ Julian Track Dies successful Traffic Accident astatine Age 39

Julian TrackJulian Track

Julian Track, who won nan 2013 European Poker Tour (EPT) Prague for €725,700, unexpectedly passed distant aft a postulation mishap connected January 17 astatine nan property of 39 according to Poker Firma.

Born November 11, 1983, Track was a prolific online subordinate nether nan moniker “jutrack” wherever he had sustained occurrence complete nan past decade playing chiefly pot-limit Omaha (PLO).

In September 2013, Track started to play online satellites for unrecorded events and won a package to nan EPT Prague.

Track amassed $1,038,891 successful tourney net successful nan unrecorded realm according to nan Hendon Mob. Almost each of that — $994,463 to beryllium nonstop – came erstwhile he topped a 1,007-entry section to triumph nan aforementioned EPT Prague successful 2013. It was location he defeated a stacked last array that included Georgios Sotiropoulos (2nd - $959,245), Stephen Chidwick (3rd - $517,992), Ole Schemion (5th - $299,147), Max Silver (6th - $219,530), and Jorma Nuutinen (8th - $115,931).

Jeffrey Fogel Passes Away After 10-Year Fight Against ALS

Jeffrey FogelJeffrey Fogel

On January 25, Jeffrey Fogel passed distant astatine nan property of 51 aft a 10-year conflict pinch amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, besides known arsenic ALS aliases Lou Gehrig's disease.

ALS affects nan tense strategy pinch nan progressive degeneration of centrifugal neurons, which successful clip painlessly shuts down nan body. It's nan aforesaid illness theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has suffered from since 1963, which is erstwhile doctors gave him conscionable 2 years to live. Fogel was initially fixed 3 to five, but proved those estimates incorrect and utilized his clip to advocator fighting against Lou Gehrig's disease.

“Sending my condolences to nan family and friends of Jeffrey Fogel. His emotion for sports, sports cards, and poker was a look of communal liking that led to truthful galore conversations complete nan past 15 years,” said erstwhile Director of Poker Marketing for Seminole Hard Rock Tony Burns.

“His short video ‘Who is Lou Gehrig?’ inspired truthful galore during his complete decade-long ALS fight. I’m sad that I will not beryllium capable to be his ceremonial tomorrow, but will person him and his ‘1Luv’ motto connected my mind. Rest successful peace, my friend!”

Mike McClain, Who Took Bad Beat by Raymer astatine 2004 WSOP Final Table, Passes Away

Mike McClainMike McClain

In February, nan poker world received nan news that longtime grinder Mike McClain passed distant from tummy cancer.

McClain had a Bachelor of Science grade successful engineering and antecedently worked successful nan machine manufacture earlier taking up poker full-time.

“Mike had been a poker mentor to me. Just listening to him picture hands made maine a overmuch amended player,” poker writer Lee Jones, a friend of McClain’s, shared successful a remembrance connected “He would thrust down from his location successful nan Sacramento area and beryllium successful Bay 101’s $60-120 LHE crippled for a fewer days, make capable money to past a month, past thrust home.”

Lee explained that McClain, who was diagnosed successful 2021, precocious make nan determination to extremity chemo and walk his remaining days pinch family and friends.

“Mike didn’t make decisions for illustration astir group do, but successful nan years I knew him, he made galore much correct decisions than he made incorrect ones,” Lee added. “His past important determination was surely tougher than immoderate of america would want to face, but I’ve nary uncertainty that Mike made nan correct determination for himself and his family – that’s each that matters.”

According to nan Hendon Mob, McClain had $1,303,837 successful life tourney net including a career-best of $470,400 for finishing ninth successful nan 2004 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event. In fact, it was that tourney wherever he first sewage awesome clip successful nan poker spotlight acknowledgment successful nary mini portion to battling pinch eventual champ Greg Raymer.

Online Poker "OG" Thayer Rasmussen Passes Away

Thayer RasmussenThayer Rasmussen

Thayer Rasmussen, a seasoned online poker subordinate from Florida who helped a full caller procreation of players get into nan crippled from pre-Black Friday and onward, passed distant successful early April.

Shaun Deeb, who called Rasmussen his "1st poker friend," posted a connection from Rassmussen's family connected Twitter connected April 2 that they asked him to stock pinch nan poker community.

"Anyone who knew Thayer knows he was ne'er 1 to deterioration his bosom connected his sleeve, but make nary mistake, Thayer had nan biggest bosom and leaves down emotion worthy of it," nan connection read. "The six of america knew each 2nd really overmuch he cared for us, but possibly galore of you did not cognize really overmuch you meant to him. It wasn't conscionable stories we ne'er thought we would hear, it was nan measurement he tackled world issues aliases debated sports topics. Thayer's been intelligent, almost to a frustrating degree, since he was a baby, but y'all helped mold him into nan man he became."

"All you want for personification you emotion is happiness, and we tin corroborate he brought that while we were fortunate capable to person him pinch us. To anyone who was a portion of that, convey you."

Rasmussen played nether nan surface sanction "THAY3R" connected PokerStars and different online poker sites opening successful nan mid-2000s and done nan 2010s. Among nan Floridian's online accomplishments was winning a World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) title successful 2015 by taking down a $530 buy-in 6-Max Shootout arena $69,825.

Michigan’s Cy Church, a Fixture connected nan MSPT, Passes Away Unexpectedly

Cy ChurchCy Church

The poker world received sad news successful early April arsenic Cy Church, a respected up-and-coming mid-stakes grinder from Michigan, passed distant unexpectedly.

“It is pinch awesome sorrow that we stock this heartbreaking news. Our world was shattered Friday erstwhile our precious boy Cy near to statesman his journey,” his family shared connected societal media. “He had truthful galore who loved him arsenic we have; he was a kind, gentle soul. We person shared this news pinch those we cognize were particularly adjacent to him, but location are truthful galore that we could not interaction everyone individually.

It continued: “We person been truthful blessed to person him successful our life present connected earth. While we cannot fathom creating early memories without him, we return comfortableness successful knowing his ancestors person greeted him pinch unfastened arms successful his caller life. We invited your prayers for our family successful this clip of grief. We are taking nan clip we request to grieve this unthinkable truth, and if we cannot respond to everyone, please cognize that your prayers and good wishes mean truthful overmuch to america and are carrying america done this dense time.”

According to nan Hendon Mob, Church amassed $342,414 successful profession tourney net making love backmost to 2016. The mostly of that — $263,498 to beryllium nonstop – came connected nan Mid-States Poker Tour (MSPT) wherever Church was a acquainted look astatine nan felt.

The "Godfather of Poker," Doyle Brunson has Passed Away astatine 89

Remembering Those Poker Players and Personalities Who Passed Away successful 2023 101

On May 14, nan poker world is mourned nan nonaccomplishment of 1 of its astir iconic superstars, Doyle Brunson, who passed distant astatine nan property of 89.

“It is pinch a dense bosom we denote nan passing of our father, Doyle Brunson," Brian Balsbaugh shared connected behalf of nan Brunson family. "He was a beloved Christian man, husband, begetter and grandfather. We’ll person much to opportunity complete nan coming days arsenic we grant his legacy. Please support Doyle and our family successful your prayers. May he remainder successful peace.”

"Texas Dolly," arsenic he was often referred, roseate to poker fame successful nan 1970s and was a staple successful nan high-stakes world correct up until his death. He moreover appeared successful immoderate televised poker games complete nan past year, including nan 2022 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event.

Brunson near down rather a bequest successful poker, including 10 WSOP bracelets, tied for 2nd down Phil Hellmuth (16), and competed successful nan highest stakes rate games for much than 50 years.

Louise Brunson, Wife of Late Doyle Brunson, Passes Away

Remembering Those Poker Players and Personalities Who Passed Away successful 2023 102

In October, Louise Brunson, joined to nan precocious Doyle Brunson, passed away. The Brunson's were joined for 62 years and spent overmuch of their clip together domiciled successful Las Vegas. They met successful 1959 and tied nan knot successful 1962 and had 3 children together — Pamela Brunson, Todd Brunson (Poker Hall of Famer), and Doyla, who passed distant astatine property 18 successful 1982.

Louise Brunson's passing came 5 months aft her poker fable hubby died. While Doyle played poker correct up until nan extremity and each passim his six-decade marriage, nan crippled was ne'er his apical priority. Caring for his wife, who had immoderate wellness issues successful caller years, took precedence.

Pamela Brunson posted a little tribute to her mother connected Facebook. She wrote that her mom passed distant peacefully successful her sleep.

"I'm judge she is truthful excited to beryllium successful eden pinch my dad," nan societal media station read.

Texas Poker Legend Carolyn Taylor Passes Away

Carolyn TaylorCarolyn Taylor

The poker world received sad news connected Thursday, June 15 pinch nan passing of Texas poker fable Carolyn Taylor, who was possibly champion known for moving a regular poker crippled successful nan Lonestar State for much than 50 years.

Affectionately known arsenic “The First Woman successful Texas Poker," Taylor’s crippled was regularly visited by specified legends arsenic Cowboy Wolford (her father-in-law), Amarillo Slim Preston, Bill Smith, Sailor Roberts, Bob Hooks, TJ Cloutier, and moreover state euphony icon Willie Nelson.

“My Hero peacefully passed distant this greeting and began her travel to nan Kingdom of Heaven,” her son, Ben Taylor, shared connected societal media. “She has been my rock, champion friend, Mentor, & biggest supporter. From raising maine arsenic a azygous Mother each nan measurement to now she has sacrificed & blessed our family beyond measure. Words cannot definitive nan heartbreak, devastation, & condolences we are each emotion now arsenic a family.”

He added: “She was a 1 of a benignant larger than life characteristic and we are blessed that she was specified a immense portion of our lives. Mom was nan top gift giver, recreation agent, poker player, joke teller, communicative teller, & nan coolest mom a kid could ever inquire for. Mom, we each emotion you and miss you deeply. Thank you for being nan Angel connected Earth that we each needed.”

Midwest Poker Community Mourns Loss of Poker Player & Advocate Steve Verrett

Steve VerrettSteve Verrett

Steve Verrett, a well-known Wisconsin poker subordinate and activist, passed distant connected June 25 astatine nan property of 53.

According to nan Hendon Mob, Verrett amassed $67,554 successful tourney earnings, including a career-best $21,026 for finishing 27th successful nan 2009 World Series of Poker (WSOP) $5,000 No-Limit Hold’em. He was besides respected passim nan Wisconsin poker community, and was bully friends pinch online poker fable Mark “P0ker H0” Kroon, nan 2 moreover hosting a poker power show astatine 1 clip successful Madison.

While Verrett enjoyed poker arsenic a hobby, he showed a existent passion for nan crippled arsenic an advocator serving arsenic nan president of nan Wisconsin Poker Players Alliance. In 2015, Verrett and Kroon challenged nan Wisconsin Department of Justice to determine connected nan skill-versus-luck statement connected nan game. They raised $10,000 from section players and hired lawyer Stan Davis to unit a judge to norm connected poker’s legality successful Wisconsin. Unfortunately, nan judge did not norm successful their favor.

Entrepreneur & Poker Aficionado Lance Funston Passes Away astatine 80

Lance FunstonLance Funston

Back connected July 5, noted entrepreneur and philanthropist Lance T. Funston passed distant astatine nan property of 80.

From Penn Valley, Pennsylvania, arsenic good arsenic Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, Funston passed peacefully surrounded by his family, including his wife, Christina, and his six children.

Funston, who graduated from nan University of Houston successful 1967 and later attended Harvard business school, served arsenic CEO for some Core Care America (CCA) and Ultimark Products (he founded nan second successful 2000). In 1993, he founded TelAmerica Media, and earlier that he founded a merchant banking patient that acquired complete $500 cardinal successful firm properties successful nan 1980’s.

His obituary further elaborated: “Lance was a existent renaissance man–his plethora of divers interests, achievements and zest for life often granting him nan title, "The Most Interesting Man successful nan World." Lance was calved successful 1942 successful Kansas City, Missouri. He was raised by his devoted parents Ida Paschall Hill and Harold Mitchell Funston. Lance graduated successful 1961 from Milby High School successful Houston, Texas. Lance received his Bachelor of Science from nan University of Houston successful 1967, wherever he would later beryllium connected nan Board of Visitors. In 2009, Lance made a gift to his alma mater that allowed for nan building of nan Lance T. Funston Communication Center, a state-of-the-art accumulation workplace wrong nan Valenti School of Communication. In 1967, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson appointed Lance adjunct to nan head of nan FDIC and subsequently arsenic typical adjunct to a politician of nan Federal Reserve Board. In 1968, Lance moved to Boston to prosecute an MBA astatine Harvard Business School which he received successful 1970. It soon became clear that Lance possessed an untamable entrepreneurial spirit.”

Additionally, Funston was known arsenic nan trading brilliant down nan wildly celebrated Super Soaker, was a personnel of nan American Samoan Bobsled team, and was some an avid golfer and absurd painter. He besides established Poker Players pinch a Heart, a instauration that organized kindness poker events.

East Coast Poker Community Mourns Passing of David Goldberg

David GoldbergDavid Goldberg

The East Coast poker organization precocious received nan sad news that David Goldberg (1949-2023), 74, passed distant connected July 22 owed to complications pinch COVID.

Goldberg was a acquainted look successful Atlantic City during nan early days of casinos successful New Jersey. He was a fixture astatine nan Taj Mahal and yet nan Borgata. In Atlantic City, Goldberg formed a relationship pinch Phil Ivey, who was conscionable starting his poker career.

“David was conscionable a terrific and generous person, and I knew him good during my clip coming up nan ranks successful Atlantic City,” Ivey said. “David moreover co-signed my first car indebtedness erstwhile I was 19 years old. He will beryllium greatly missed by anyone that ever knew him”.

An avid poker player, Goldberg was known for winning a immense cookware and saying “What did you deliberation I had?”

When personification would show him a bad-beat story, he would often remark that “10 to 1 is not 10 to none.”

According to The Hendon Mob, Goldberg amassed $183,595 successful life tourney net making love backmost to 1996. That included a career-best $86,440 for winning nan 2021 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Online Event #27: $1,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship for an online golden bracelet.

Famed Author Anthony Holden, Who Wrote Poker Book ‘Big Deal’, Passed Away astatine 76

Anthony HoldenAnthony Holden

The poker world mislaid famed writer Anthony Holden connected October 7, 2023, astatine nan property of 76. Holden, who resided successful London, suffered a terrible changeable successful August 2017, 1 that near him confined to a wheelchair pinch his near limb and limb inoperative. Fortunately, nan changeable did not impair his representation and cognitive skills, and he moreover spoke astir it pinch PokerNews successful 2018.

Born connected May 22, 1947, Holden was good known to poker fans arsenic nan writer of 1990’s Big Deal: A Year arsenic a Professional Poker Player and nan 2007 follow-up Bigger Deal: A Year Inside nan Poker Boom. More recently, he wrote He Played Poker for His Wife and Other Stories.

Big Deal documented Holden’s twelvemonth connected nan poker circuit successful nan precocious 1980s and gave nan mainstream a glimpse into nan mysterious world of poker. Holden ventured to Las Vegas, battled nan biggest names successful nan game, and coiled up pinch a profit of $12,300. He’d gain overmuch much than that from nan book that followed arsenic it sold astir a cardinal copies.

In Bigger Deal, Holden revisited nan poker world aft nan “Boom” had occurred. He did truthful by playing successful paper rooms crossed Europe and America, successful location games, and online. It was a generational modulation for nan game, and location was nary 1 amended to item it than Holden, who besides served arsenic nan inaugural president of nan International Federation of Poker (he served until 2013), which based on for poker to beryllium classified arsenic a mind sport, for illustration chess.

Texas Poker Community Mourns Loss of Empire Poker's Edward Garcia astatine Age 37

Edward GarciaEdward Garcia

On November 27, nan Texas poker organization mislaid weighted personnel Edward Garcia, 1 of nan superior operators astatine nan Empire Poker Club.

Born September 29, 1986, Garcia was well-known successful Houston poker circles. At nan extremity of November, nan Empire Poker Club took a infinitesimal to connection a toast successful remembrance.

“He was nan GM basically, but he was nan literal meaning of selflessness,” Matt James said of Garcia. “Always put everyone other that worked location up of himself. Just an all-around awesome feline and H-Town poker legend.”

Joseph Stevens said: “There were ever amended games, cheaper games, amended food, amended rooms – but nary of that s*** matters if you dainty your costumer right, and Ed, judge it aliases not, understood this much than conscionable astir anyone successful poker. You could study a batch astir really he treated his loyal subordinate base. I judge this will beryllium his poker bequest … Ed was ever reasoning of his friends and family who he loved much than anything.

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Poker News